Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Fall Schedule (The Most Exciting Thing in the World, Ever.)

Sections came out today, which means everyone on the admitted students facebook group is excitedly trying to figure out who their classmates are, making fb groups, everything. Someone brought up the comparison of sections and Hogwarts houses, but I'm getting more of a vibe of splitting up into teams for the camp-wide week-long color wars. I feel like I should be thinking up a bunch of team cheers or something. (Besides, if we went with the Hogwarts comparison, Section E, my section, would be the awkward outlier. That's no good.)

Here's what my schedule looks like for the next semester:

9:05am-11am - Contracts
1:25pm-2:45pm - Torts

9:05am-11am - Contracts
1:25pm-2:45pm - Torts

10:35am-12:10pm - Civil Procedure
1:25pm-2:45pm - Torts

8:00am-8:50am - Legal Research & Writing
10:35am-12:10pm - Civil Procedure
1:25pm-3pm - Constitutional Law (and I got the professor I wanted! Hooray and hurrah!)

10:35am-12:10pm - Civil Procedure
1:25pm-3pm - Constitutional Law

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